Yellow. container with red lid. The secure cannula box in convenient format for the doctor, nurse, fire brigade, rescue and mobile medical services. Fits any overall pocket, doctor's or emergency rescue case. With practical sliding closure. Press on the red button to seal when finally finished with. Very sturdy, 2.5 mm base thickness! With cannula withdrawal device.
Disposal/environmental protection:
The container is made of environmentally friendly material and colored. Please observe the regulations applicable to your region regarding the disposal of medical waste.
(CH: Vollzugshilfe zur Entsorgung von Abfällen aus dem Gesundheitswesen (BAFU Nr. UV-2113-D)).
With UN approval 3H2/Y0.075/S*B/RIG111-030068.
Compliant with TRBA 250.
Manufactured according to ISO 23907.